It’s Time to Analyze KM Processes

It's Time to Analyze KM Processes

Organizations must constantly review KM processes and systems in place to ensure employees and customers have access to the content needed.

In accordance to understanding the business needs, analyze how the knowledge flows to both internal and external users and track what are the KM processes and the dedicated resources for KM.

Here are a few key question to ask and review:

  • Who is currently responsible for generating knowledge in the organization? Map all business departments and identify which LOB’s are required to work with

  • Who is responsible for creating and maintaining the knowledge received from the business departments initiators?

  • What are the processes and SLA’s for knowledge creation and updates?

  • Who is the owner of the content and is responsible for its relevancy and digestion by users / consumers?

  • Is there a dedicated KM team or is it distributed across the organization? Analyze its structure, roles and processes


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