KMS Lighthouse for Employee Experience

With KMS Lighthouse, enable better business decisions, provide answers by topic, business category, or service action for a smarter, savvier workforce. KMS Lighthouse next-generation knowledge management system.

Employees waste 20% of business time searching for information. 

Workers take up to 8 searches to find the right document. They get frustrated and waste company resources when trying to track down a document or answer.

On the flip side, when employees have access to the right answers,  information, procedures and materials, they stop wasting time and enjoy better work experiences. Sharing knowledge saves smaller organizations as much as $2 million in employee productivity, and larger organizations $200 million or more

KMS Lighthouse offers a next-generation AI-knowledge management system that enhances employee experiences.Support employees with knowledge-based multichannel answers, the moment they need them.

  • Update business information immediately, system-wide.
  • Actionable knowledge 24/7 
  • All in one central place on the cloud
  • Accessible from anywhere, at any time and on any device
  • Internal training,  employee benefits, onboarding documentation, product information, presentations and more 

Do you want to

  • Double employee loyalty?
  • Double productivity and reduce employee turnover by 2x?

With KMS Lighthouse, enable better business decisions, provide answers by topic, business category, or service action for a smarter, savvier workforce.

KMS Lighthouse – The way to know


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